Using a Solar Energy LED Street Lamp 

Using a Solar Energy LED Street Lamp 

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Solar energy LED street lamps are something that every new town should have. These lights have many advantages making them rank higher than regular ones. Solar streetlights can cover a wide area, have a long lifespan, and are simple to install. There are many new designs that’ll fit any budget. With this off-grid lighting solution, you’ll keep on winning! In this article, I explain what a solar LED street lamp is. You’ll also read about their benefits in more detail and gain insight into the few disadvantages of using these. 

What Is A Solar Energy LED Street Lamp?

Solar Energy LED Street Lamps work like regular ones, except they run on solar power. They’re more energy efficient and affordable since they get their power from the sun. Many small towns have started using solar LED street lamps. These lights are mounted to poles to look like the average street lamp, but they have solar panels on their top or attached to the pole to collect energy. During the day, the solar panels harvest sunrays and store them in batteries. When the sun goes down, the power is transferred to the lights. Solar lights can work all night if they collect enough energy during the day. Most also have a timer function. 

solar energy LED street lamp

5 Benefits of Solar Energy LED Street Lamps

Towns and homeowners can benefit by installing solar energy lamps for light on their streets. 

Long Burning Time: Solar lamps don’t need constant sunlight to stay on for extended periods. f the battery has a large enough capacity, the bulbs can keep burning for two nights in a row without harvesting extra energy from the sun. This is very beneficial in areas with a lot of rain and cloudy skies

No Extra Costs: Solar street lamps decrease and, in most cases, even eliminate electricity costs. These lights harvest all their power from the sun, which is a free and renewable energy source. 

Provides Light During Outages: Solar-powered lights don’t depend on grid electricity. They’ll stay on even when the rest of the town experiences power outages. This can keep the roads safer and decrease criminal activities. 

Eco-Friendly: Solar street lamps help the environment in little ways. Not only do they use a clean energy source, but they also have a long lifespan. This factor helps them stay away from dumpsites longer than regular lamps. 

Improved Safety: Solar energy street lamps are much safer than electrical ones. No dangerous wires are involved, so the chances of someone being electrocuted or injured are much lower. 


Solar LED Street Lamps vs. Plug-In Lamps – The Pros and Cons

Solar Energy LED Street Lamps

Pros Cons
Solar energy LED street lamps have a cleaner impact on the environment. They stay powered without using harmful sources like fossil fuels.  Solar-powered lights have a higher initial cost than regular ones. Converting an entire street to this power source could dent any budget.

Luckily, the cost can easily be saved back up with the money saved on electricity. 
Solar lights require less maintenance than regular ones. Their batteries don’t need frequent replacement, and their wires don’t wear as quickly. Solar panels are more accessible to criminals. They will be a target if they’re installed in an area with high criminal activity levels. The price of replacing these every time could significantly raise the cost.  
Solar street lamps will always be on – even during power outages. Once fully charged, they can burn for a few days without new sunlight exposure. 

Streets that stay lit during outages have less criminal activity than pitch-dark areas.  

Solar LED street lamps don’t have loose wiring or cables in their setup. This decreases the risk of injury when working with them. 
Solar lights have a lower running cost than regular ones. Solar energy is 100% free, so there’ll be no extra costs in generating the power. 
Solar panels are designed to be weatherproof. They are waterproof and hardy to most weather conditions. 


Plug-In Electrical Street Lamps

Pros Cons
Electrical street lamps have a lower initial cost

Most towns have regular plug-in street lamps, and keeping these is typically cheaper than having them replaced. 

Maintaining electrical streetlights requires more work. The wires tend to stop working after a while, and the bulbs also need frequent replacement.
Criminals aren’t as attracted to electric street lamps as other items. Electric plug-in streetlamps won’t be a frequent target of criminal activity.   Street lamps that work with grid electricity have a negative environmental impact. 

Most street lamps stay on during the day, requiring extra power. The extra energy they use is made by burning additional coal and polluting the air even more. 

Electric street lamps are affected by power outages. If they all go off during an outage, many streets could be left in darkness. 
The cost of grid electricity is very high. Keeping electric street lamps on can be costly


Can I Install My Own Solar Energy LED Street Lamps?

You might not be allowed to replace the street lamps in your area, but you can install lights in your front yard to keep the area lit. You can mount lamps to poles, add a spotlight to your roof, or place solar lawn lights across the front of your yard. Check with the relevant departments to ensure you follow the laws of your state. 

solar energy led street lamp

Wrapping up Solar Energy LED Street Lamps

The pros of solar energy LED street lamps outweigh the cons. These 100% off-gird lights will ensure streets stay lit during power outages and keep everyone safer on and off the road. While they may be a little expensive to buy and install, the savings from their first use is visible. If fitting an entire town with these lights is impossible, start by implementing it at schools, hospitals, and vulnerable neighborhoods. In time, the replacement of every electric light will be a reality! I hope this article was helpful and made you realize how beneficial solar energy LED street lamps are. If you have more questions, ask them in the SolarSena comment section below. 


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